Reading the Bible for Yourself

Reading the Bible for Yourself

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This study is designed to guide you through five sessions:

  1. The Prerequisites of Bible Study: Preparing your heart and mind to engage God’s Word.
  2. What is the Bible?: Gaining a deeper understanding of the nature, purpose, and authority of Scripture.
  3. What Does the Bible Say?: Learning how to observe and interpret the text faithfully.
  4. What Does the Bible Mean?: Discovering the timeless truths and messages within the Bible.
  5. How Do I Live Out the Bible?: Applying God’s Word in your everyday life.


Consider inviting a group of people that you trust to walk alongside you. You may need their encouragement. They may need yours, too! Whether you are new to the faith, have been walking with Christ for years, or want to reignite your love for God’s Word, this study is for you. Let’s jump in together!

When you finish this series, you and your friends will have learned:

  • How the Bible is divinely inspired and entirely trustworthy.
  • Practical tools to understand the context, themes, and structure of Scripture.
  • How to let Scripture interpret Scripture, so you can unlock its meaning.
  • And most importantly, how to apply God’s Word to your daily walk of faith.

Download the Workbook

Watch the videos as you work through each session. 



Session One: The Prerequisites of Bible Study


Before diving into specific tools and methods for studying Scripture, we must ask: How do I get ready to hear from God? In this session, you will learn:

  • That the Bible is the means through which God speaks to us.
  • The importance of prayer before and throughout your time in the Word.
  • An obedient attitude is necessary to allow the Bible to transform your life.
  • How to cultivate the attitudes of someone who reads the Bible for themselves.

In the video, Bro. Derrick identifies five essential attitudes to successfully Reading the Bible for yourself. As you watch, use this workbook to take notes and contemplate how you can implement each attitude in your posture before approaching God’s Word.

Session Two: What is the Bible?

In this session, we’re answering a foundational question: What is the Bible? My church’s doctrinal statement says, “The Scriptures provide the standard for the believer’s faith and practice (2 Tim. 3:16, 17), reveal the principles by which God will judge all (Heb. 4:12; John 12:48), and express the true basis of Christian fellowship (Gal. 1:8, 9; 2 John 9-11).” After participating in this session, you will be able to:

• Explain how the Bible is like any other book.

• Explain how the Bible is unlike any other book.

• Identify different genres found within Scripture.

Session Three: What Does the Bible Say?

Bible study begins with a simple but powerful question: What does the text say? Before diving into interpretation or application, we must slow down and observe Scripture. This foundational step, observation, helps us uncover the richness of God’s Word and prepares us to understand its meaning and relevance for our lives.

In this session, you’ll learn:

  • Why context is critical to understanding Scripture.

  • How to identify themes and follow the flow of a passage.

  • The importance of recognizing repeated words and ideas.

  • How to use cross-references to connect Scripture with Scripture.

Session Four: What Does the Bible Mean?

Coming soon. Check back on February 20, 2025. 

Session Five: How Do I Live Out the Bible?

Coming soon. Check back on February 27, 2025.